The Origin Of Creature By Floris Kaayk

I liked this video as it shows a bizarre bleak outlook on a futuristic earth after some kind of devastation or apocalypse. I liked how it used subtlety of sound putting the audience on edge hearing every tiny movement in such quiet space through use of foley and some subtle atmospheric sound . On top of this it used slow reveal of events and characters all of these creating tension and an even stronger desire to want to understand what was going on and to learn more the strange world being displayed and the creatures within it. It displays the mutants left after the devastation working together to build something however miscommunication causes this to fail. The colours used in this animation are dull and gloomy and the visual landscape appears to be desolate and harsh to live in as there is no greenery and only rubble. This already sets a sad atmosphere but also creates a rather eery feel as well. This gloomy atmosphere is then amplified when the audience is introduced to the first mutant character. The short film displays the creature stumbling blind around the unloving environment trying to find its sight and gives a sense of pity about the creature amaking me feel rather sorry for the small mutant. The film then leads the audience further into the narrative and shows the other mutants appearing ,all of various body parts, working together and helping each other and again shows their struggle and determination in the harsh environment. The mutants start building and still working together and still there is a sense of goodness about them despite their look, however then things start to speed up a bit and they seem to appear less wholesome. Some of the mutants force a creature into the sun making it produce and squeeze other mutants out of its body showing expressions of pain while doing so, making the mutants doing this appear selfish in some way. The mutants now seem rather creepy at this point and perhaps not nice nature. Then through miss communication the mutants fall and the tower they were making is ruined.
This could be interpratated as symbolism of mankind, starting off as wholesome and helpful and then perhaps becoming more destructive and less helpful and considerate due to determination or even desperation as they are running out of time of light (or as a symbolism, time of life) leading to miscommunication and turning people perhaps slightly more aggressive or "symoblically destructive" towards a situation or topic.
I think this animation relates to the project void life void that i have been given aswel as the video starts off still and in darkness (before life) and then movement and building starts when the sun comes out (life)  and then when i goes dark again all of the creature go back to hibernate and everything is still again (after life). It could also be symbolisms of the human nature and the desire to create even to the point where it can become perhaps not the right thing to do (referring to the part of the animation when the mutants push a larger mutant into the sun making it create and squeeze other mutants out of its body even though it showed signs of discomfort, in order to build the tower they were building.

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