Narrative Tests

After creating story boards for linear and broken linear narratives i was given some videos of different scenes being filmed that i could put together to go with the audios i was given. linear being a story that is told from start to finish, broken linear being a story that involved breaking up the direction of the narrative for example a flash back (where the narrative would go present, past, present). I will think about what the voice over audio is saying and how my videos should relate to what is being said. I will also think about making the overall presentation of the video flow, as the clips i have been given are from different angles etc and i will have to pick and choose which clips will work best next to each other.

First Trail:
For this video i put together i was given the voice over audio of the man speaking and the video footage of him speaking along with various clips of dancers and a jazz audio track. I selected sections of the dances that went best with what was being said by the man for example when he said "your whole body is moving" i chose a section of a dance clip that shows a man wiggling his whole body.

Linear And Broken Linear Tests:
The frank morgan clips i was given to create a short video with also came with the voice over of frank morgan. I added music in the back ground to emphasise the drama in the clips i was given and create an over all more tense and dangerous atmosphere (silence is too forgiving and releases this tension slightly).


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