Kilogramme Animation Studio Visit And Work Crit

Kilogramme is an animation studio based in manchester that specialises in character animation. The project i am doing at the moment relates a lot to this studio as i am doing a lot of character animation and animated sets similar to the kilogramme's usual style of animations which is why i found their work very interesting and would like to visit their studio in order to potentially receive some helpful feedback on my work and see what they could potentially help me improve on.

This animation they created in 2012 was particularly inspiring because it uses silhouette shapes and characters with a simplistic style similar to my silhouette forest walk animation i am doing:

Easter 2012 from Kilogramme on Vimeo.

Work review:

For the tweak week i visited the studio and showed them my work to receive feedback on what they think of it and perhaps where i could improve with it.
I was told by Jon Turner, directer, that my animation potentially needed more of a story, as the animation is just of a boy walking through a forest following a stag to a tree. Maybe if i started the animation with the child being lost in the woods this would help the plot line, and potentially added more obstacles for the characters to cross this could add more interest to the piece and give the viewers more to watch. He also mentioned that the way the child walked was a bit eager as the arms swing a lot and gives the appearance of the child not being afraid or solemn, which is the kind of vibe i wanted to give. I might try and re record the child or perhaps try and and just animate it from scratch like i did with the stag as this gives me more freedom with the movements. He also said that in the first scene the stag looks a bit glitchy and that adding another head in the turn when the stag turns its head would help this.
But he said that he likes where its heading and that the style was nice.
Whilst i was there i was also able to have a look at some of the work they were working on which i found very interesting and made me want to try character animation more, something i could consider for my final project perhaps. The staff were very friendly and inviting and the atmosphere and environment of the studio was nice. This would be somewhere i would be interested in perhaps seeking work experience at in the near future, i have been told that when i have made some adjustments that they would be interested in seeing what i have improved on and so i might try and arrange another visit there when i have done this and potentially ask for this opportunity then.

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